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Kickass Retirement

Your Best Years Are Still To Come...

What is a Kickass Retirement all about?

A Kickass Retirement isn’t about something ending. It’s about something beginning.  It’s not about retiring from something, it’s about retiring to something. It’s not about who you were, it’s about who you’re about to become.

It’s a fresh start…a second life…a new beginning…a clean slate…

And it’s never too late to become who you could have been. It’s never too late to achieve what you could have achieved. It’s never too late to get what you always wanted. It’s never too late to discover exciting new avenues and opportunities you never knew existed.

That’s what having a Kick-ass retirement is all about.

So what do you need to make your retirement truly kick ass?

Well you need time, you need money, and you need your mind and body working the best way they can. And then you need the right people around you –  supporting what you want to do, where you want to go, and how you intend to live your new life to the absolute max.

We’re here to help you every step of the way with all of that, and a great deal more. A community of like-minded people coming together to make this period the most exciting, enjoyable and fulfilling of your entire life.

It doesn’t matter whether you retired over a decade ago, whether you retired last week or whether you’re still planning your escape from the daily grind. It’s never too late to have a kickass retirement and it’s never too early to start putting the pieces into place either.

Whether you know exactly what you want from retirement but would welcome some help and support getting there, or don’t really know what you want yet (but know it’s more than you have now) we’re here to help.

We’re delighted to have you with us on this exciting journey and can’t wait to hear how your Kickass Retirement is taking shape.

Supplement Your Pension With TAX FREE Money!

Articles & Reports

If You Don’t Like The Cost Of Something… Pay For It Using Other People’s Money!

The other day I overhear a couple bemoaning the prices of travel insurances for the year. They were looking at going on a cruise and then hopefully popping to visit family somewhere in Europe.

Getting insurance for the year works out better than for a week or two, but the price for the couple, who are in their late 70s, was £700 for the year.

Is It Time That You Took Your Share From The New ‘One Click’ Digital Economy?

If I said that I bet that you have spent money online at least once in your life, would I be right?

I’d be surprised if anyone reading these articles has never bought anything online.

It has become the norm today to buy products online via websites or phone apps. It’s so easy, some people do it daily.

Last night while waiting for his tea, one of our team, Andi, spent £25 buying digital music from a specific website that he downloaded right to his phone in a matter of seconds.

The music was a collection of electronic music that was produced in the 1990s by a couple of dance music producers.  

Gas Mark… NONE!

I often start the day reading a few articles on a few specific websites including the BBC news.

I was shocked to read that a Chinese takeaway in Aberdeen which has been serving the locals since the 1980s is set to close because it can’t afford to pay its rocketing energy costs.

Normally, the gas bill for the Royal Crown is around £1,000 per quarter and the electricity bill was also around £1,000 per quarter.

The bills for this quarter came in at £10,000 for the gas and £4,000 for the electricity.

That is a huge increase and one which the takeaway cannot afford.

Ease The Squeeze With This Simple Betfair System

The cost of living crisis is getting worse with prices rising at their fastest rate for more than 40 years.

Inflation jumped to 9.4% in the 12 months to June from 9.1% in May.

Food and fuel costs are the most concerning for families with some people seeing their gas and electricity bills increasing fivefold.

British families feeling the squeeze are cutting back on spending.

Retired Teacher Lorie Smith Schaefer On Becoming A Self-Published Author [Interview]

Today, we publish our recent chat with the wonderful Lori Smith Schaefer who we spotted on Facebook recently celebrating her birthday and celebrating becoming a self-published author.

The grandmother and retired teacher celebrated her book release with her 70th birthday.

How To Supplement Your Pension Being Paid To Write… Without Using Your Hands

Now that you are retired or soon to be retired, you will have plenty of time to do the things you have always wanted to do but never got around to it. 

Things like writing.

Maybe you have been harbouring a lifelong desire to be an author, to write and publish your own book.

Eat Less And Live Longer: The Benefits Of Fasting

Fasting has been around for thousands of years and has mainly been associated with religious practices and ceremonies. But recently, there has been a lot of scientific research into fasting which has shown incredible health benefits for people.

Research is beginning to prove what a lot of religions have been saying for years, fasting can reduce a myriad of conditions and complications and increase life expectancy. 

The Economic & Entrepreneurial Prosperity Of The UK’s Growing Ageing Population

In 2016, the number of people in the UK over the age of 65 was 11.8 million. By 2066, that figure is predicted to rise to 20.4 million making up 26% of the population.

With access to better health care, better food and the fact that a lot of people today are taking better care of themselves both in mind and body, people are living longer. 

5 Ways To Earn Money Online To Supplement Your Retirement

The idea of being retired for many people is to not have to work but to enjoy time without a job. But for others it is just a case of not having to go and work at a specific job, they are happy to still work and do something.

Retirement might mean different things to different people but there are a couple of truths to retirement which are the same for everyone:

Does 87 Year Old Coronation Street Star William Roache Have The Key To A Long And Fruitful Retirement?

Octogenarian and long term star of Britain’s favourite soap CoronationStreet, William Roache believes that the answer to a long and fruitful life is meditation.

In an Interview on ‘This Morning’, Roache admitted that he regularly took a ‘tea break from life’, “I call it a tea break from life and what you need is a place in your home where you can leave all your worries behind for five minutes.”

During these tea breaks, Roache practices mindfulness techniques which he believes keeps him young and active. 

Let’s Have A Kick Ass Retirement

So, it’s finally happened. You have retired. No more Monday mornings!

No more having to leave the house – the place you love -at a ridiculous time in the morning to make the commute to work.

No more Sunday night sadness as you remember where you have to go in the morning. 

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Your Best Years Are Still To Come...

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Kickass Retirement are great

Finger Licking Good

Kickass Retirement are as tasty as chicken deep fried in Kentuck!

Best You Can A-Ford!

I sold my best car to join these guys!

It's Never Too Late To Become Who You Could Have Been